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Healthcare data integration is notoriously expensive and complex. The landscape is dotted with legacy systems, obscure data formats like HL7v2 and FHIR, and diverse, cross-organizational stakeholders, each with their own unique needs and requirements.

This complexity isn't just technical; it's foundational, rooted in the very evolution of healthcare IT. Decades-old systems, designed long before the dawn of the internet era, are still in active use, posing significant challenges in terms of interoperability and data standardization. The solution presented by the industry incumbents is more bespoke integration standards - the belief being if there was just a better, more specific standard for data exchange things would be better. We disagree with this notion.

Our mission is to transform healthcare data integration from a daunting challenge into a streamlined, intuitive process. We do this by flipping the traditional standards-based exchange model on its head.

Development: Simplified and Streamlined​

Getting Started

If you haven't joined our community yet, begin by creating a free developer account on Retrohook. Sign up here.

Core Concepts of Retrohook​

The Retrohook platform is built on four foundational elements that simplify the development of healthcare integrations:


Our primary building block is the Workflowβ€”a robust mechanism for ingesting healthcare data, transforming it through mapping, and seamlessly connecting it to your applications. This process is analogous to the well-known Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) paradigm in computer science, providing a familiar structure within our innovative environment.

Quick Start Guide: Jumpstart your first HL7 workflow in less than five minutes here.

Workspaces & Environments​

A Workspace is your personal area within Retrohook, akin to an account, that organizes your integration projects. Within a workspace, Environments represent the actual technology stack and configurations that bring your data integrations to life. You can establish multiple environments to accommodate different stages such as testing, staging, and production.

  • Free Tier Subscription: With this subscription, you'll have a default workspace and environment ready for use.
  • Free Subscription: Access Retrohook's shared multi-tenant environment for building and testing your integrations.
  • To deploy production workflows, additional environments can be set up within your own AWS infrastructure, guaranteeing the secure transfer of sensitive healthcare data.
  • Upgrade Now: Take advantage of beta pricing for your production environment setup here.


Tunnels are essential for secure HL7v2 workflows, facilitating the swift creation of VPNs directly within your AWS infrastructure. These are vital for protecting HL7v2 message transfers that often use MLLP protocols.

Setting up a tunnel with Retrohook is hassle-free and requires minimal intervention on your infrastructure. A brief coordination with your customer's technology team to share IP details and run a simple setup script is all it takes to establish a secure connection.

By integrating these elements, Retrohook stands as a powerful ally in healthcare data management, ensuring simplicity, security, and efficiency in your development journey.