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In Retrohook, a Tunnel is a secure communication pathway that enables the protected transmission of healthcare data, specifically using the HL7v2 protocol via MLLP (Minimum Lower Layer Protocol). In most cases, this is a VPN. Tunnel setup is straightforward and requires no changes to your existing infrastructure. Follow the steps below to create a new Tunnel within your Retrohook platform.

Tunnels do require an Enterprise subscription plan.

Accessing the Tunnels Section

Navigate to the Tunnels section on your Retrohook dashboard. This is where you can manage all your existing tunnels and create new ones.

Naming Your Tunnel

Name: Provide a distinctive name for your Tunnel that easily identifies its purpose or the associated server, such as "Primary EHR Interface" or "Lab Results VPN."

Specify the Source System's IP Addresses

  • Public IPv4 Address: Enter the public IPv4 address of the server. This is the address that is reachable from the internet and will be used by Retrohook to initiate the secure connection.
  • Private IPv4 Address: Enter the private IPv4 address of the server. This address is used within your internal network and ensures that data is routed correctly once it reaches your infrastructure.

You may need to reach out to the source system's IT team to retrieve this information.

Advanced Settings (Optional)

If required, click on the 'Advanced' button to configure additional settings. This section is typically used for vendor specific configurations for VPN hardware.

Generating the Tunnel

After all the necessary information is filled in, click the 'Generate' button. Retrohook will establish the Tunnel and provide you with a status update, indicating whether the creation was successful or if further action is needed.

Finalizing the Tunnel Setup

Coordinate with your customer's technology team to ensure they can provide their public and private IP addresses. They may also need to run a simple shell script that you will provide, which is generated by Retrohook.

Tips for a Successful Tunnel Connection

  • Ensure that the IP addresses entered are accurate and that your server is configured to accept incoming connections on the specified addresses.
  • Verify firewall settings and any other security systems to allow the MLLP traffic through the Tunnel.
  • Keep communication open with your customer's technology team throughout the process to promptly address any connectivity issues.
Support and Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues during the Tunnel setup, please refer to our documentation or contact Retrohook's support team for assistance.